Frequently asked questions on the infoline of the Regional Office of Public Health + answers

Saška Mišiková

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We have prepared for you the most frequently asked questions, due to which people call the infoline of the Regional Office of Public Health. If you have planned to contact this infoline in the near future due to uncertainties, or you can not advise anything and need answers, first see if you will not find your question and the answer in this article. Infolines are very busy and it is also quite difficult to call, as people are still calling and busy.

These questions and answers were developed and put together by volunteers and staff who sacrificially operate this infoline day and night.

Quarantine questions

1. Who will print my PN for quarantine? The PN will be written to you by your GP

2. What should I do if I want to work from home, but I already have a PN? Ask your GP to end your PN. You will continue the quarantine.

3. Can other members go to work when I am in quarantine? All members of the household must be quarantined together until the end of its duration

4. Who to contact if a Slovak citizen cannot resort to domestic quarantine? Contact the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic on the infoline 02/48593312

5. Where should I report someone I know violates a state-mandated domestic quarantine? These offenses are being solved by the Slovak police

6. What should I do if my 14-day quarantine period has passed and I have no symptoms? In this case, the instructions apply to you as for other citizens of the Slovak Republic (follow the current instructions of the crisis staff)

7. What should I do if my doctor refuses to give me a PN? If you came from abroad and you have a mandatory 14-day quarantine from the state, then the doctor is obliged to issue you a PN.

8. Can I go shopping, take the dog outside, go take out the trash when I'm in quarantine? If you are in quarantine, we should stay at home, respectively. at the quarantine site. Shopping should be made by your family or someone close to you, the purchase will be handed over at the door and you will pick it up. If necessary, you can go outside for a few minutes, but only with the use of protective safety equipment (gloves, face shield)

9 . Do I have to complete the quarantine if I have a negative coronavirus test? Yes, you must

10. Do I need confirmation that I am in quarantine? No, it is your duty to report to the GP only from abroad if you need to issue a PN. If you have a permanent / temporary residence here, but you do not have a doctor, visit the website www.e-vuc.sk, where you can find a doctor according to your place of residence.

Foreign theme

1. What should I do if I work abroad and have to go to work every day? Information on crossing borders will be provided by the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic on the infoline 02/48593312

2. What should I do if I am abroad and I can't get home? Contact the Embassy of the Slovak Republic (or other embassy of the Slovak Republic) in the state in which you are located

3. I was in contact with a person who came from abroad and is asymptomatic, do I have to stay at home? Persons who came from abroad have a mandatory domestic quarantine of 14 days, persons who have been in close contact with them or live together in the same household also have it.

4. I have returned from abroad, I need an examination by a general practitioner, whom should I contact? If you come from abroad, you are required to report and call your GP. If you do not have it, visit the website www.e-vuc.sk , where you can find your doctor according to your permanent / temporary residence.

5. Did I return from abroad and would I like to report for quarantine in the facilities of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic? Contact the Ministry of the Interior on infoline 02/48593312

6. What are the possibilities to travel from Slovakia abroad, or return to Slovakia? If you need information about a cross-border stay, contact the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic on the infoline 02/48593312

Reporting residents

1. Where should I report when I arrived from abroad and should I be in compulsory quarantine? If you need to issue a PN, contact your general practitioner by phone, if you do not need to, it is not obligatory to report somewhere.


1. Is it possible to test on my own initiative? Self-testing is not possible

2. When will the test results be? The test results will not be available for at least 48 hours after testing

3. When will you inform me about the positive / negative test result? Only in case of a positive test result will you be contacted by telephone

4. If you do not contact me, then I will have a negative result, where should I make sure? In case of a negative finding, you can contact tel. no. 0908 072 418, but not earlier than 48 hours after collection of the tests


1. When should callers contact a general practitioner and when a regional public health office in the Slovak Republic? When returning from abroad, you do not need to contact reg. If you need to write a PN, call your GP or if you have any other medical condition.

2. Is my GP required to issue a PN? Your general practitioner is obliged to issue a PN or OČR to you in a justified case, there is no quantitative limit for listing PN or OČR.

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Reported by: Saška Mišiková
Updated on: 25.3.2020
Source: GoSlovakia

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