How to explain to children what is happening? Spievankovo will help you with that

Saška Mišiková

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The myth circulating on social networks and the Internet that children are immune to the coronavirus is utter nonsense. The only difference from adults is that children have more refined immunity than we adults, so they may not show the disease at all or with only mild symptoms, and you may not even know that your child has been infected with the virus. BUT. A child is just as infected as an adult and is a full-fledged carrier.

It is more difficult for children to explain what is happening in the world at the moment. Why they can't go outside, or why they can't meet friends outside as before. Children definitely feel that something is happening in the world, whether from the Internet, television or from friends. Without sensitive explanation, they may have concerns. You, the parents, have the best influence on how children will perceive this situation. If you're worried about explaining what's going on to the kids right now, watch this video. Spievanka and Zahrajko from Spievankov came up with a song that will help children understand what needs to be done.

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Reported by: Saška Mišiková
Updated on: 25.3.2020
Source: GoSlovakia

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