Contact GoSlovakia

Where to find us?

Contact place
Mikovíniho 217/4
917 01 Trnava
Slovak republic

We are available

Pondelok - Piatok: 8:00 - 16:00

Contacts GoSlovakia

Phone: View

Phone: +421 904 440 904

The phone number is related to the operation of the GoSlovakia web site and does not serve to provide information about the events or points of interest itself. We would like to help you, but given the many records, it is not technically possible to provide this type of service at present. For more information, please contact the organizer of the event or the operator of the point of interest directly. Thank you for understanding.

E-mail: info@gobohemia.cz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoBohemia

Project owner

GoSlovakia s.r.o.
Mikovíniho 217/4
917 01 Trnava 1
Slovak republic

IČO: 52 233 626
DIČ: 2120967112
Register: Okresný súd Trnava
Vložka číslo: 44073/T