Vlčkovský háj - Vlčkovce

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Near the village Majcichov, but in the cadastre of the village Vlčkovce near the left bank of the river Dudváh is the Protected Area Vlčkovský háj. The area has been in the 4th degree of protection since 1994 and the subject of protection is the protection of the relic of oak-brest and ash floodplain forest with the occurrence of endangered species of plants and animals. The area of the protected area is 61.36 hectares.

Vlčkovský háj - Vlčkovce

Near the village Majcichov, but in the cadastre of the village Vlčkovce near the left bank of the river Dudváh is the Protected Area Vlčkovský háj. The area has been in the 4th degree of protection since 1994 and the subject of protection is the protection of the relic of oak-brest and ash floodplain forest with the occurrence of endangered species of plants and animals. The area of the protected area is 61.36 hectares.

The dominant part of the grove consists of Summer Oak, Black Oak, Horse Chestnut, Field Maple, Low Brest, Slender Ash and Black Poplar.

The most common species of animals living in the grove include invertebrates, small songbirds, reptiles, predators, mammals. In addition to the mentioned species of animals, deer and fox are also found in the grove.

In the spring, there is also an increased incidence of spring snowdrops in the grove.

The grove is also rich in various herbs that have a healing character.

Additional information

Transport: By foot

Suitable for: Families with childrens, Elderly, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 20.7.2022

Opening hours


monday - sunday:


Vlčkovský háj - Vlčkovce
Vlčkovský háj
Region: Trnavský
District: Trnava
Area: Trnavsko, MAS 11 PLUS, Microregion 11 PLUS
 48.2881617, 17.6555014

Altitude: 130 m

Vlčkovský háj

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