Popcorn also has its standard and is Zigmundo popcorn

Maťo Šimončič

Maťo Šimončič

13 ratings
The time spent with this popcorn is never wasted. At least that's how the text on the cover of this gourmet popcorn sounds. If you thought you couldn't become "addicted" to popcorn, it would mislead you.

In Slovakia, we have a unique product whose quality and honesty far exceeds any other of its kind not only in our country, but also in the surrounding countries. I am talking about Zigmundo popcorn, which originates in Slovakia, specifically in Bratislava. And we went to see how it is made to see for ourselves that it is possible.

Source: GoSlovakia

Mr. Peter Červeň and his partner Štefan Blaha are behind the production of this sweet popcorn, who were the first to bring a healthy and extremely tasty version of popcorn to Slovakia. They have known each other for many years, they trust each other, and they both have in common that, after many years of working in managerial positions, they decided to leave and start working manually.

The result is handmade delicious and healthy Zigmundo popcorn. Healthy because popcorn is not produced classically, as we are used to from cinema or other cultural events. In this case, exactly 0 g of oil is needed to break out the corn kernel, as it is produced by means of hot air. Maize comes from France, where the company buys it in a sustainable way from farmers in South Africa. Unfortunately, there is no suitable type of corn in Slovakia, nor does anyone distribute it. Zigmund's criteria are extremely high.

Source: GoSlovakia

After the outbreaks of corn kernels, we get to the seasoning through various intermediate steps in production. The basic flavor is salted caramel, which is created directly in the factory, and I'll tell you, the smell is completely unreal. In addition to this basic flavor, you can also taste raspberry or apple-cinnamon popcorn. We really can't choose which one we like best, but what we do know is that when you open the package, it disappears very quickly.

Source: GoSlovakia
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Reported by: Maťo Šimončič
Updated on: 8.6.2020
Source: GoSlovakia