Statue of St. Vendelína - Cífer

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In 1755, the resident of Cífer, Jura Slowak, had a statue of St. Vendelín erected on a site called Hliník. It was first wooden and then made of stone in 1773. On a stone pedestal with a profiled head, there is a column of square cross-section topped by a profiled Tuscan head, on which stands the figure of St. Vendelín, the patron saint of peasants. At its feet, it has an attribute - an animal, which indicates that it is a protector of domestic animals. On the column is the inscription: Jura Slowack 1773

Statue of St. Vendelína - Cífer

In 1755, the resident of Cífer, Jura Slowak, had a statue of St. Vendelín erected on a site called Hliník. It was first wooden and then made of stone in 1773. On a stone pedestal with a profiled head, there is a column of square cross-section topped by a profiled Tuscan head, on which stands the figure of St. Vendelín, the patron saint of peasants. At its feet, it has an attribute - an animal, which indicates that it is a protector of domestic animals. On the column is the inscription: Jura Slowack 1773

Updated on: 20.7.2021
Source: Cífer monografia obce
Cífer vlastivedná monografia, Vydavateľstvo Osveta Bratislava 1991

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Statue of St. Vendelína - Cífer
Region: Trnavský
District: Trnava
Area: Trnavsko, MAS 11 PLUS, Microregion 11 PLUS
 48.313826, 17.489064


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