Inn Halán - Križovany nad Dudváhom

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Not far from the cemetery is the Halán Inn called the Local Corpse.

Inn Halán - Križovany nad Dudváhom

Not far from the cemetery is the Halán Inn called the Local Corpse.

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By bus
Parking: Free parking nearby

Languages: Slovak

Suitable for: Elderly, Cyclists, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 25.11.2021
Source: GoSlovakia

Opening hours


monday - sunday:
10:00 - 22:00


Inn Halán - Križovany nad Dudváhom
obec, pri cintoríne
Križovany nad Dudváhom
Region: Trnavský
District: Trnava
Area: Trnavsko, MAS 11 PLUS, Microregion 11 PLUS
 48.3221026, 17.652626

obec, pri cintoríne
Križovany nad Dudváhom

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