Roman Catholic parish - Cífer

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The current rectory building dates from 1812. Over the years, it has been repaired several times. The correction of 1919 is written in the minutes of the municipal council. In the years 1934 - 1935, the building was reconstructed and the layout also changed.

Roman Catholic parish - Cífer

The current rectory building dates from 1812. Over the years, it has been repaired several times. The correction of 1919 is written in the minutes of the municipal council. In the years 1934 - 1935, the building was reconstructed and the layout also changed.

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By train, By bus
Parking: Free parking nearby

Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 18.7.2021
Source: Cífer monografia obce
Cífer vlastivedná monografia, Vydavateľstvo Obzor Bratislava 1991

Opening hours


Not specified


Phone: 033/55 991 80
Roman Catholic parish - Cífer
Pri farskom kostole
Ľ. Pavetiša 15,
919 43  Cífer
Region: Trnavský
District: Trnava
Area: Trnavsko, MAS 11 PLUS, Microregion 11 PLUS
 48.311919, 17.493292

Pri farskom kostole
Ľ. Pavetiša 15,
919 43  Cífer

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